Friday, March 4, 2011

Seeing Double...

Nico:  I sense an ominous presence nearby...

ps.We are SO sorry for not getting around to visit OR post, our *ahem* caretaker (who was once called "Mom") has gotten so busy with "werk" that she has been neglecting EVERYTHING!!!  We thinks we may need to engage in a nightly midnight discussion with her so that she changes her schedule to more kitty-friendly activities...  After all, WE don't need green papers, Ms. Caretaker, why should you?


  1. I think that is the perfect time to talk to her about being more attentive. I hate it when humans aren't.

  2. Uh-oh, Nico, I see you have your claws out - and I don't even think that is directed towards Simon! You human needs to straighten up and fly right (as some human once said...).

  3. Don't look behind you, Nico! :)

    Be sure to wake your (ex?) mom up again at 3am to review the midnight discussion, to be certain she gets the idea :D We were ready to trade our mom in too for a while so we know how you feel. Purrs,

    Pip, Smidgen Minnie, and HOllie

  4. SIMON!!!!!

    I have missed you terribly! I'm coming over RIGHT NOW!

    xx May Ling xx

  5. Hmm, maybe you don't need green papers, but if your mum doesn't work for them, where do you think your Stinky Goodness is coming from. Maybe you should make it a friendly discussion with her.

  6. We thinks greenpapers may be necessary for catfood and treats.

  7. It is an unfortunate fact that green papers are needed for us too so we excuse your mum and that photo makes up for it too..Hugs GJ xx

  8. I can relate! My mom has been entirely too busy. However, those green papers do bring in extra Temptations!

  9. So nice to see you guys again!! We think you need a new secretary.
